Bookings Page
Celebration of Holy Communion Guidelines
Please read the following document before your participation in the celebration of Holy Communion 2021:
Holy Communion Preparation Resources
Sixth Sunday of Easter Year B.ppt
Fifth Sunday of Easter Year B.ppt
Feast of the Holy Trinity Year B.ppt
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Sacrament?
The celebration of First Communion is not an end in itself, but is a sacred and important moment on a long journey of faith development. Together with Baptism and Confirmation, it opens the door to full participation in the Christian family. The invitation this year is for you to take an active role as a family in preparing with your child.
• Parents are crucial people in their child’s life and faith journey. You are now, and have always been, your child’s first and best teacher. It is your example they follow. Preparation for the sacraments is a unique opportunity for parents and children to talk about their faith.
• It provides teachable moments at home and in church when what they are learning from teachers and books can be connected to what children see and live.
• It enriches the whole family. In addition to helping build a bond of faith between parents and the child undertaking the preparation, it provides opportunities for younger children to be introduced to elements of our faith and for older children to deepen their understanding of the sacraments.
How you can support your child
“Be the Message you want to pass on
to your child”
- Talk to your child about First Holy Communion and why they are receiving it.
- Regularly follow our mass online with your child .
- Spend time with your child preparing for the Mass by reading the Gospel and Mass responses. Help your child with any activities they are asked to do at home.
- Create a family prayer space.
- Pray with your child at home.
Setting up a Prayer Space in your home
A prayer or sacred space is a small area in which you can place symbols that help your child to sense and express that God is present in their lives. Children often use their sacred space at home as an area for the “holy objects” that they ac-cumulate from home, school, relations and parish.
It doesn’t have to be complicated. A window sill or corner of a table will do. Place a coloured cloth here with a Candle and any other sacred symbols that appeal to your child. Talk with them about the meaning of the objects & sym-bols they are placing in their sacred space. They can be changed with the different seasons eg. at Christmas and Easter.
A Parent’s Prayer
Help me give my children the best… not of trappings or toys, but of myself, cherishing them on good days and bad, theirs and mine. Teach Me to accept them for who they are, not for what they do; to listen to what they say, if only so they will listen to me; to encourage their goals, not mine; and please, let me laugh with them and be silly.
Let me give them a home where respect is the cornerstone, integrity the foundation, and there is enough happiness to raise the roof.
May I give them the courage to be true to themselves; the independence to take care of themselves and the faith to believe in a power much greater than their own.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Family is where prayer is first shared.
In its experiences of reconciliation and of shared meals, it anticipates the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Family is where the seed of faith begins to grow. It is where children come into contact with the
From the First Communion Diocesan Policy
God of Jesus Christ.
Suggestions for praying with your child
- Use the prayers your child is learning at school
- Say a grace before meals when you sit down to eat as a family.
- Encourage them to pray for friends & relatives.
- Pray with your child before they go to sleep at night. This is a lovely time to talk over their day and to thank God for the good things in our lives and to ask God to bless all the people we love.
- Click here for a list of some of the prayers your children may be using at school.
- Consider taking your child to visit the Church outside of Mass times. It is often a much quieter and more personal experience. Perhaps light a candle and say a prayer for someone who is unwell or who has died, or maybe say a prayer of thanksgiving for the gifts that God has given to you and your family. N.B. Always supervise children around lighting candles.
- Your child will continue to benefit from these practices once they have made their First Holy Communion.
Communion Program Calendar
Please note that due to Covid–19 uncertainties we are not able to give out dates for first Confessions and First Holy Communion celebrations. We will communicate as we approach the time. We thank you for your patience and understanding.